Your New Year Business Resolution – 5 things to do in 2016
How was 2015 for you and your small business?
January heralds a new start to a new year and that means it is an opportunity to do something to revamp your small business.
Here are 5 things you could do that on the back of what you have achieved in 2015 could bring some benefits in 2016
Update your website
Your website is your window to the world. Giving your website an update is essential every new year. Making sure your 2016 products, services and prices are up to date is vital. Changing a few images and bringing some freshness into the website really can make a difference. Then updating the content and ensuring your keywords are in place and just having fresh copy really lift your website and allow your business to lift off further from where you left it in 2015.
Revamp your Social Media
Along with your website your social media is important. Many companies forget that their social media also needs refreshing; a fresh image and some fresh wording describing your business just add some polish. In 2016 make a concerted effort to use social media more, maybe spend a little time reading up and then putting an effective social media plan in place.
Your brand defines you. If your small business has been around while or even if it has only been operating a short time taking a look at your brand in line with your updated website (see point 5) and making a concerted effort to use social media more really is worthwhile. A re-branding sounds hard work and sounds painful but having the right brand that conveys the right message about your business could just mean the difference between growing or standing still in 2016.
Plan your year ahead
Failing to plan is planning to fail and a new year is the perfect time to plan the next 12 months for your small business. Whether you are a one man band or a small team, putting your goals, objectives and milestones down in writing in a formal plan gives your small business direction that is measurable. With a well-planned year and regular updates to the plan throughout the year your business is under control for the next 12 months the right strategic decisions can be made.
Get advice from someone outside your business
For many small businesses hiring a consultant seems like a crazy idea because the money can be spent better elsewhere. Yes this is true but there are plenty of people and organisations such as friends, accountants, chambers of commerce and banks who will give you valuable business advice on a variety of topics that can truly help your business for little or no charge. Nearly everyone knows someone that may be a specialist in marketing, social media, websites, planning or even trading overseas – take a look at your circle of friends, family and business associates and ask someone if they can help you. If you don’t ask you don’t get and you will be amazed at how many people will want to see you a success and who would feel proud to help you be that success.
2016 is going to be an awesome year ahead, these 5 simple tips could make it even more awesome and most of them will cost every little and each will bring outstanding returns on your investment.
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