Lets be honest, in this age of fast moving, ever changing technology, without a website many customers may not even consider you as an option when they are looking for specific products or services.
A good website informs people about the products which are being offered, allowing potential customers to assess the services the institution has to offer. Therefore it is important that a website sets out the company’s ideologies and reveals the identity of the brand as this is the best way for the audience to decide if the business is trustworthy and if it fits the needs of the customer.
Recent figures show that 90% of customers claim online reviews influence their buying decisions, so it is increasingly important that a small business has a decent online presence.
One of the issues however is that some small businesses may see setting up a website as time consuming and expensive; This we know is not true.. Also we know it is beneficial to your business to have a good website (which doesn’t have to be all singing and dancing, but informative and clean).
Also, none of us want to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however if you have a good quality website, customers can purchase products from your institution throughout the day at their own leisurely rate. The key to making the most of your website is making the business as accessible as possible. An online shopping service can mean the brand becoming more recognisable, as well as creating an expansion in sales figures. Additionally, it is important to note that appearing on search engines is vital to increase the popularity of your small business.
So not only will your website allow you to showcase the products or services you offer in a desirable way, if can actually expand your business.
Also first impressions do count, meaning it is important that your website looks professional. So make sure you look at other sites the designer has created!
Remember you will need to provide high quality images of the products to make the audience want to purchase them. Also, you can look at including short videos to provide the audience with a tutorial on how to use the product, increasing the audiences participation and hopefully the need to buy from you.
A website can be a successful route to building relationships on a local level which is important to the success of so many small businesses.
Allowing an online interaction through a website can lead to the building of relationships with customers and other small businesses in a network too, which can lead to other valuable opportunities such as becoming involved with online networking groups and achieving partnerships with other businesses which can be beneficial in many ways.
Contact Rocoja on any of the social media platforms below for more information or even just some advice.